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SUSTAINABLE ENERGY | 12 Faroese companies take lead on Climate action ahead of COP26 šŸƒ

Writer's picture: Ɠlavur ƍ GeilƓlavur ƍ Geil
On 21 September, twelve Faroese companies participating in the Faroese Sustainable Business Initiative ā€“ BurĆ°ardygt VinnulĆ­v ā€“ announced they would at least halve their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 in an effort to mitigate climate change. Three of the companies went further and committed to net-zero by 2030.

> Les grein Ć” fĆøroyskum niĆ°ast

(Picture šŸ“ø ByrĆ°ardygt VinnulĆ­v)

Bakkafrost, Betri Bank, Effo, Faroe Ship, FĆøroya Tele, Gist & Vist, JT Electric, KJ Hydraulik, MBM, P/F Poul Michelsen, SMJ and VĆ³nin, all committed to a reduction in their scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions and announced they will be setting targets for their indirect scope 3 emissions in line with scientific recommendations, next year. After this, companies will submit their commitments to the independent Science Based Targets Initiative.

The companies will work together in the BurĆ°ardygt VinnulĆ­v initiative for at least three years to develop a strategic approach to climate change, biodiversity and ocean health. These commitments mark the first stage of their plan.

Other commitments announced included ambitions to become net-positive in their impact on biodiversity in at least one area of potential material impact for the businesses.

Regin Jacobsen, CEO of founding company Bakkafrost said:

ā€œWe are pleased to be making this announcement today to show we are serious about making headway against these urgent issues affecting us all. We have come further in the first few months of this initiative than I think any of us would have expected and we are already starting to see meaningful collaboration opportunities between us. We are certain that working together will accelerate our progress on these issues.ā€

Marita Rasmussen, Director of the Faroese House of Industry said:

ā€œIt is very encouraging to see businesses collaborating and taking leadership on these issues. The private sector must take its role in tackling these issues seriously, and this is a good example of how it can be done. We hope to see more companies following suit.ā€

For more information on individual commitments, please read their online report:



21. september, kunngjĆørdu 12 fĆøroyskar fyritĆøkur, at tƦr hava bundiĆ° seg til at minka teirra ĆŗtlĆ”t av vakstrarhĆŗsgassi viĆ° Ć­ minsta lagi eini helvt innan 2030. FyritĆøkurnar eru allar partur av Ć”takinum BurĆ°ardygt VinnulĆ­v, og Ć”setanin av mĆ”linum er ein partur av Ć”takinum at avmarka avleiĆ°ingarnar av veĆ°urlagsbroytingunum. TrĆ­ggjar fyritĆøkur eru farnar enn longur og hava bundiĆ° seg til ikki at hava nakaĆ° ĆŗtlĆ”t yvirhĆøvur innan 2030.

Betri P/F, Bakkafrost, Effo, Faroe Ship, FĆøroya Tele (Faroese Telecom), Gist & Vist, JT electric, KJ Hydraulik, MBM, P/F Poul Michelsen, SMJ og VĆ³nin hava Ćøll bundiĆ° seg til at minka teirra sonevnda Scope 1 og 2 ĆŗtlĆ”t av vakstrarhĆŗsgassi og hava samstundis kunngjĆørt, at tey nƦsta Ć”r fara at Ć”seta Ć­tĆøkilig mĆ”l fyri teirra Ć³beinleiĆ°is Scope 3-ĆŗtlĆ”t Ć­ trƔư viĆ° vĆ­sindaligu tilmƦlini. SĆ­Ć°an lata fyritĆøkurnar teirra mĆ”l inn til Science Based Targets Initiative.

FelĆøgini fara at arbeiĆ°a saman Ć­ verkƦtlanini BurĆ°ardygt VinnulĆ­v Ć­ Ć­ minsta lagi trĆ½ Ć”r. Tey fara millum annaĆ° at arbeiĆ°a saman um at menna eina strategiska tilgongd viĆ°vĆ­kjandi handfaring av avbjĆ³Ć°ingum innan veĆ°urlagsbroytingar, lĆ­vfrĆøĆ°iligt margfeldi og heilsustĆøĆ°una Ć­ havinum. Hesar tilsagnirnar eru fyrsta stig Ć­ Ʀtlanini.

Eisini hava fyritĆøkur kunngjĆørt mĆ”l um at hava jaliga Ć”virkan Ć” lĆ­vfrĆøĆ°iliga margfeldiĆ° Ć” minst einum Ćøki av teirra fyritĆøku.


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