BAKKAFROST | Visit by Danish Foreign Minister, Jeppe Kofod
Updated: Oct 12, 2021
Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod together with is Faroese colleague Jenis av Rana visited Bakkafrost on Friday. On his visit he applaued Bakkafrost with our growth programme to ensure more healthy sustainable produced seafood which is greatly needed to the world.
(Mynd 📸 Regin Jacobsen, Bakkafrost)
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) says aquacultor sector is key to ensure a food secure future for all.
Aquaculture has the potential to sustainably increase seafood production significantly in next 30 years, from only 17% of the worlds foodproduction today, despite the oceans cover around 70% of the globe. 70% more protein will be needed over the next 30 years too feed the growing population.
Sustainably produces Salmon is one of the most resource-efficient and healthy sources of animal protein.
(Mynd 📸 Regin Jacobsen, Bakkafrost)
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Kelda: Regin Jacobsen, Bakkafrost
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