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BFI Lýsing - Storm lítil (470 x 140 px) (1).png

Faroe Maritime Services

Faroe Maritime Services logo

Website: Faroe Maritime Services

Phone: (+298) 61 00 00


Social media links: LinkedIn | Facebook

Since 1984 has Faroe Maritime Services been providing our clients with valuable services both locally and globally. We are a team of experienced brokers, commercial, nautical and technical consultants, all of whom specialize in the maritime industries.

Today, we are a team of experienced brokers, commercial, nautical and technical consultants all of whom specialize in the maritime industries.

Faroe Maritime Services specializes in providing qualified and experienced personnel, project management as well as complete project solutions to leading international maritime and offshore companies.

The company is MLC 2006 approved as Seafarer Manning Office and we offer the following scope of maritime services, all recognized by the quality management standards ISO 9001. We provide a complete range of integrated marine services.

Faroe Maritime Services has at it disposal professional manpower, both ashore and at sea, operating to internationally recognized quality management standards.

We believe that our combination of traditional marine and offshore skills combined with professional office standards makes Faroe Maritime Services a first class choice.

The Faroe Maritime Services provides a comprehensive range of services to shipowners and maritime & offshore companies worldwide.


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Vikmar live vessel tracker

(Credit: official vessel real-time tracking map)





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Information about who is obligated to register for VAT


A fee that the Faroese Parliament can levy on imported goods


Visit Faroese Maritime Authority's website for more information



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